Testing Services

Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to understanding

Do you know your system limits?

  • Knowing when your system will start struggling is important on both a technical and business level

  • Customers often pay for a capacity that cannot be reached but they have no proof of this

  • Reversely, sometimes the given limits can be exceeded when providers are playing it too safe

Would you know if you were overspending?

  • By analyzing the system under load we can identify components that are oversized

  • Systems that get nowhere near their limits while under heavy load can be downsized

  • We often encounter systems that are 10x oversized

Auditing Services

Transparency increases credibility and accountability

Needle in the haystack

  • Generic IT products are only capable of finding generic IT issues, you need a solution specific to contact centres that manages to go both deep and broad

  • Our customers consistently laude our ability to get to the root of the problem and give actionable feedback

Faster with the right tools

Our tools enable us to get to the root of the problem 1000x faster than by manual investigation. To beat us on a 2 week root cause analysis a consultant would have had to have started in the year 1564.

How does your system match up?

  • A lifetime of working in the customer experience business allows us to make a fair assessment of how your system fairs compared to others

  • Only an honest, external review will expose the weaknesses of your system, we won’t sugar-coat it!

  • Feedback should be actionable, not only do we say what is wrong, we tell you how to go about fixing it

Business Consulting Services

A vision without a strategy remains an illusion

Vendor selection

Finding the right partner starts with your requirements. Everyone will tell you that these requirements can be met by their product but which one’s actually do? Does their product tie in with the overall strategy?

Cost reduction

Are the tools you use still state-of-the-art or have they become a commodity? Check out the competition to make sure you are still paying an appropriate price.

Service differentiation

How are your competitors targeting your customer base? The customer experience can make you stand out!

Program & Project Management

No matter how big or complicated your projects are, we can help out. With our decades in experience we are ready to come in and take the lead!

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